Emergency Response
Wearing PPE to protect each other during the COVID-19 pandemic, two staff members examine a Northern Flicker at Humboldt Wildlife Care Center. Photo courtesy Bird Ally X
This page is for resources related to current and ongoing emergencies in California, including wildfires, floods, oil spills, and disease outbreaks.
Current Emergency: COVID-19 Pandemic
Other Resources
IWRC: The International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) has been doing an excellent job with their Blog and general Covid-19 information. The best thing we can do for our community is stay connected and share any and all information we have with one another. They have been kind enough to allow us to share this with CCWR. We highly recommend subscribing to their blog. Every organization has their strengths and weakness and one of IWRC’s strengths is their ability to educate the wildlife rehabilitation community globally!
Is it OPen?
Originally sent to us by Lila Talcott-Travis of Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue in the SF Bay area, we are posting her message here and adding more centers to it, especially So Cal resources as we have them available. Is your center open? Don’t see it listed here? Email us at info@ccwr.org to get it added. Is your center listed? Info changed? Email us as well. Thanks to Lila for getting the ball rolling on this!
Many wildlife centers do not have the time to answer their phones. In an effort to have this information available in one place to reassure people that there is a place to bring wildlife in trouble, we have collected COVID-19 Wildlife Drop-off instructions and are posting them here:
Northern California
Lindsay Wildlife Hospital (Walnut Creek) 925-935-1978: -OPEN for dropoff. Drop-off area near the hospital entrance. Follow posted instructions.
WildCare (San Rafael) 415-456-7283: -OPEN for drop-offs using COVID-19 Protocols near hospital entrance.
Sulphur Creek (Hayward, San Lorenzo, and Castro Valley.) 510-881-6747: CLOSED = NOT ACCEPTING ANIMALS
Ohlone Wildlife (Fremont/Newark) 510-797-9449: Open from 10am-2pm ONLY. Drop-offs by appointment only so CALL AHEAD
Silicon Valley Wildlife Rehab (San Jose) 408-929-9453: OPEN for animal drop-offs. Not answering phone. Ring Bell.
Peninsula Humane Wildlife (Burlingame/San Mateo County) 650-340-7022: OPEN 11am-7pm + afterhours drop-off (call) - No Entry but instructions are posted on doors to call when you arrive.
Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue (SF Bay Area, based in SF) 510-421-9897: Call/Text for Referrals or to arrange drop-off. OPEN and accepting scheduled drop-offs using COVID-19 Protocols. Instructions are posted on door.
Napa Wildlife Rescue (Napa County) 707-224-4295 OPEN- Call first to determine drop off site. Two sites are accepting scheduled drop-offs using COVID-19 Protocols during different hours.
Native Songbird Care and Conservation (Sonoma County) Open to receive birds by appointment only, 9 am to 5 pm daily. Zero-contact intake protocol in place. 707-484-6502, www.nativesongbirdcare.org
Injured and Orphaned Wildlife (Campbell, South Bay)- Address: 37 Decorah Ln., Campbell, CA 95008. Low on volunteers, so call main number: 408-559-7379 to be directed to the appropriate volunteer.
Humboldt Wildlife Care Center (Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity, and Northern Mendocino counties) is open daily 9am-5pm for rescues and drop-offs using COVID-19 admission protocols. Call 707-822-8839 www.birdallyx.net
North Coast Marine Mammal Center (Del Norte and Humboldt counties) is open for rescues. Closed to the public. Call/text 707-951-4722 to report strandings. Do not approach marine mammals! www.northcoastmmc.org
Additionally, many local animal control departments are still in operation and may be a resource as well, though it is generally better for the animal to drive it to a wildlife center directly, after speaking with said wildlife center. If this is not possible:
San Francisco: 415-554-9400
Berkeley: 510-981-6600
Oakland: 510-535-5602
Hayward: 510-293-7200
San Mateo County: 650-573-3940 or call 650-340-7022 for after-hours drop-off
If your city’s animal control is not listed here, or if it is after-hours, try your local police non-emergency line.
Central California
Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center (Stanislaus County)-)Open to receive injured and orphaned wildlife. Open in April everyday from 10-3 and 10-4 starting May 1st. There’s a “drive-thru” set up for intake just outside the center